Virtual Keyboard is a software or hardware component that allows user to enter the characters. It can be operated with multiple input devices such as mouse, eye mouse or computer keyboard.
In todays world almost every bank provides us with net banking, as soon as we request for a request for a net banking account/facility we are provided with a Username and the password, and then all the security related to the account or transactions is in our hands.
Ley me explain how to remain safer with the use of virtual keyboard, Virtual keyboard is presend on the login page of almost all the banks. This keyboard helps us from Key Stroke Logging Applications, these applications are
developed to record what ever we type on the computer keyboard, whether it is in upper/lower case or special characters or numeric characters. The Key Stroking Loggers/KeyLoggers gets installed on the computer without our knowledge, thus posing a threat to the account security. And hence the developer this key stroke loggers can easily know your Net Banking Password.
By using the Virtual Keyboard we enter the characters with simple mouse clicks, as the mouse clicks cannot be monitored/recorded you can be secured.
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