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Tips to keep your PC virus free

Virus Free

These are the ten simple tips to keep your PC free from virus.
  1. Use an Anti Virus program on your PC and keep the definitions up to date.
  2. Use an email anti virus service that scans inbound and outbound email for viruses at the server level.
  3. Do not double click or download the email attachments with the common extensions for executable files link: .exe, .bat, .com, .vbs, .pif
  4. Do not install free stuff like screen savers and spyware and malware.
  5. DO not visit untrustes sites.
  6. Do not install programs like Limeware kazaa or any other file sharing software.
  7. Frequeltly run the programs like: Spybot search and destroy, Ad aware SE personal, Microsoft Windows Defender.
  8. Use browsers other that Internet Explorer. It is the highest target of security vulnerables and most web browser security breaches are through Internet Explorer.
  9. Set your computer to automatically update and download windows updates.
  10. Educate yourself on the subject of Virus and Spyware.

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