Web Browser is a software application retrieving presenting and traversing the information on World Wide Web. Uniform Resource Identifier identifies the information resourse like pics, videos or any other content. The main purpose of a web browser is to bring an information resourse to the user, when the user inputs Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) into the browser. The history of web browsers dates back to 1990's when a variety of technologies laid foundationfor the first browser WorldWideWeb, there after many
web browsers have been introduced into the market by different developers, Internet Explorer by Microsoft Cororation, Chrome by Google, Firefox by Mozilla Corporation, Safari by Apple Inc, Opera by Opera ASA Inc, Netscape Navigator by Netscape Communications Corporation, SeaMonkey by Mozilla Foundation, Amaya by W3C, Flock by Flock Inc.are to name a few and there are many more browsers available in todays market.
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